AGN description
In the Affective
Positive (for example, joyful, warmth, courage)
Negative (for example, mistake, hopeless, burden)
Neutral (for example, item, pause, element)
The subject is given a target valence and asked to press the press pad when they see a word that matches this valence.
Words are displayed one at a time in the centre of the screen. Each word is displayed for 300 ms and there is an interval between the words of 900 ms.
If you want to make the words look larger on the screen, refer to the Options section of the CANTABeclipse Software User Guide, which explains how to use large fonts in verbal tests.
Words from two categories at a time are displayed, and the subject is asked to press the pad whenever they see a word matching the target category. Blocks of 18 words are displayed, with a pause between the blocks.
!This test uses a press pad. If no press pad is available, and you wish to evaluate the test, you can use the right hand (or secondary) button on your mouse. Always test subjects using a press pad.
AGN test modes
There are 6 possible modes for running this test, which can be separated into two cases. It may be run in either:
The modes within these cases are described below. ACase 1 – positive and negative stimuli only
Case 2 – positive, negative and neutral stimuli.
Administration scripts are provided for Case 1 and Case 2.
Case 1 – positive and negative
positive target valence first, with blocks in the order PosPosNegNeg PosPosNegNegPosPos, with no
pre-empt delay(pos-neg-noped) positive target valence first, with blocks in the order PosPosNegNeg PosPosNegNegPosPos, with
pre-empt delay (pos-neg-ped) negative target valence first, with blocks in the order NegNegPosPos NegNegPosPosNegNeg, with no
pre-empt delay(neg-pos-noped) negative target valence first, with blocks in the order NegNegPosPos NegNegPosPosNegNeg, with
pre-empt delay (neg-pos-ped)
Each of these test modes consists of ten
Case 2 – positive, negative and neutral
with target valences in the order PosNegPosPosNeuNeuNegNegPosPos NeuNeuNegNegPosPosNeuNeuNegNeg, with no
pre-empt delay(pos-neg-neut-noped) with target valences in the order PosNegPosPosNeuNeuNegNegPosPos NeuNeuNegNegPosPosNeuNeuNegNeg, with
pre-empt delay(pos-neg-neut-noped)
Each block contains words of only two valences – either positive and negative, positive and neutral, or neutral and negative. The administrator is advised of the target valence and the distractor valence before each block is run.
Each of these test modes consists of twenty
A screen similar to that shown in the figure below is displayed in between each block, to allow you to advise the subject of the target valence for the next block.
AGN administration script – Case 1
!The press pad is used in this test. Ensure it is in front of the screen, and that the subject can reach it comfortably with the index finger of their dominant hand resting gently on the response button. Please refer to Figure
These instructions are for all the Case 1 modes (positive and negative stimuli only). For Case 2 modes (positive, negative and neutral stimuli) please use the administration script given later in this chapter.
With the AGN start screen displayed, give the subject the press pad and show them how it works.
Let them try it until they are comfortable.
Continue running the test, advising the subject of the target valence before you start each block, and reminding the subject to respond as fast as they can, whilst trying not to make any mistakes. There are 10 blocks in total in the test.
AGN administration script – Case 2
!The press pad is used in this test. Ensure it is in front of the screen, and that the subject can reach it comfortably with the index finger of their dominant hand resting gently on the response button.
These instructions are for the Case 2 modes (positive, negative and neutral stimuli). For Case 1 modes (positive and negative stimuli only) please use the administration script given earlier in this chapter.
With the AGN start screen displayed, give the subject the press pad and show them how it works.
Let them try it until they are comfortable.